N) Specific requirements mentioned in applicable P&ID notes (if any) are complied
M) Insulating gaskets are selected as shown in P&IDs L) Equipment nozzle/TP numbers and tie-in numbers. K) Insulation symbol for insulated lines. I) Piping spec break, if any (preferably be at flange joints/valves, each iso to contain only one spec). H) Sequence of branch connections (as agreed with Process in case of any changes). as specified in P&ID.į) Close/open position for spectacle blind or spacer & blind. of equipment, instruments, special items, actuated and manual valves (if applicable).Ĭ) Flow direction (including flow direction of check valve)ĭ) Slope/no pocket/free draining requirement, if any.Į) Min/max distances, straight lengths, etc. No.įollowing items are checked with the P&ID (IFD or later issue):ī) Tag nos. Here is a checklist for Piping Isometrics Sr.